The Experiential higher institute of science and technology officially signed the MoU with the university of Bamenda on september 15th, 2021. This is a very great step for the institution and now, all degrees and master certificates in public health and other fields of studies are officially issued by the university of Bamenda.
Exhist is a health science professional institution that embraces experiential styled system of training to deliver value to agile youth aspiring to become exceptional healthcare professionals. This training model enable the students to graduate with relevant hard and soft skills to outsmart the tensed national and international job market compétition. To this effect, the graduates will confidently sit-in for various international exams for healthcare professionals like the NCLEX and NMC-CBT IN USA and UK respectivly if they so désire. With this Exhist stand as a bridge to self actualization and vision realization when it comes to selecting and purning the career path in healthcare. The dynamic and devoted staff, well equipped laboratories and démonstration rooms comfortable furniture, spacious classrooms and a very neat study environment cumulatively interplay to reassure success. Exhist offers programs both in the Medical & Biomedical Science, Business Management and Finance field. The medical science field offers programs in Nursing (NU), medical laboratory science (MLS) and Pharmacy technology (PT). Accountancy, Finance, Business Management, Marketing and IT staff members have professional qualifications in the various programs backed by relevant experience in their areas of training. Our administrative staff is bilingual to offer counseling to students.